Guests can select cashless payment methods when making reservations via TL Booking Engine. These are “Non-cash transactions for legal entities” and “Bank transfer for individuals”.
Please note that the following option is available for certain countries only. It is available for your property if you see a note “issue an invoice automatically” in the names of cashless payment methods |
When a guest selects “Bank transfer for individuals” payment method, the TravelLine Platform issues an invoice based on the hotel bank details. The Platform automatically sends the invoice to the guest’s email address. The guest makes the prepayment using the hotel bank details.
When a guest selects “Non-cash transaction for legal entities” payment method, the TravelLine Platform issues an invoice based on the hotel bank details. The Platform automatically sends the invoice to the guest’s email address. The guest makes the prepayment using the hotel bank details.
The prepayment is made directly to the hotel payment account, that is why the TravelLine Platform cannot track money transfer.
To enable cashless payment methods:
1. Fill in the bank details in “Hotel management” - “Bank details” tab. Read more in the article How to add bank details.
2. Go to “Hotel management” - “Payment methods” tab, click “Bank transfer for individuals” (issue an invoice automatically).
3. Payment method is available no less than 3 days before arrival by default. It means that a guest can select this payment method only if the time period between the reservation date and the arrival date is no less than 3 days. If you want to give a guest more time to make a prepayment, you should edit the payment method settings.
4. Tick the rate plans that will be available for the cashless payment method in “Rate plans” section.
5. You can also add your comments for guests in “Hotel management” - “Comments” - “Comments on payment methods in TL Booking Engine” tab. Learn more in the instructions - Comments to payment methods displayed in the booking engine.
If you need to change a prepayment rate for cashless payment methods, contact TravelLine customer service.
If an automated invoicing is not available for your property, you will see a note “issue an invoice by hotel manager” in the names of cashless payment methods.
These payment systems work the same way as automated invoicing except for one detail: invoices are not issued automatically. A hotel manager should manually issue an invoice and send it to the guest.