To set a late check-out fee, take the following steps:
1. Go to “Hotel management” > “Early check-in / Late check-out”.
2. Select the “Main rule” or any other rule you need. If necessary, create a new one.
3. Scroll to the “Late check-out calculation fee setting” section. Click on the underlined “Add” button at the bottom of the table.
4. Then, click on the underlined time range.
5. Select the time range when the rule will be valid.
6. Select the kind of fee that should be charged.
There are the following options:
Free of charge. There is no fee for the late check-out.
Fixed rate. There is a fixed payment set no matter the time when guests check out.
Percent of the day rate. The fee will be calculated based on the selected percentage rate. If you do not want the fee to take up the cost of extra beds or extra services, tick the “No surcharge for an extra guest” and “No surcharge for extra services” boxes.
Hourly fixed rate. The fixed fee for every extra hour that guests stay at the hotel.
Hourly auto-calculated price. The late check-out fee will be calculated automatically. The room rate for a night will be divided by 24 and multiplied by the number of extra hours that guests spend at the hotel.
No early check-in / late check-out. Late check-outs will not be available.
7. Tick the “Select the availability” box. Then, the late check-out will only be possible if there is availability for the selected time. The availability will be taken away for the day of the late check-out.
8. Click on the underlined “Additional settings” button if you want to set different kinds of fees for different room types. Tick the “Set different prices depending on room types” box to start making settings.
9. Click on the “Done” button.
10. Repeat the steps from 3 to 9 for other time ranges.
11. Click on the “Save” button at the top of the page.