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How to add Traveloka as reviews source

Last update: 12.11.2024

Follow the instruction presented below to connect Traveloka as reviews source.

1. Open the Traveloka website in your browser.

2. Search for your hotel listing and open it.

3. Copy the page’s URL from the address bar. A hint is on the image.


4. Paste the link you just copied in the “Hotel’s URL in the source” field placed under this instruction. Then, click on the “Check information on the hotel” button.

5. You will see the hotel ID taken from the Traveloka website. If everything is right, tick the “Yes, I confirm that the data are correct” box and click on the “Connect the source” button.

6. After you do this, the source website will be connected. In several minutes, the “Reviews” section will draw reviews on your hotel from the Traveloka website.

Reviews are updated once every 24 hours.

We wish to get only positive reviews!

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