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Tips on how to choose a domain name for the hotel website

Last update: 27.04.2024

Select a domain zone

A domain name can be with different domain extensions like .com, .net, .edu, .org. National domain extension designates the country where the hotel is located. If the hotel is located in Italy, it makes sense to register a location-based domain with the extension .it. For example, hotel.it.

Choose a simple name

It is important to choose a simple, short, easy to pronounce and spell, euphonious domain name. So it is easier for your guests to remember your website name and to find it on the Internet.

A hotel name as the domain name

You may use a hotel name as the domain name. For example, if your hotel name was “Travel”, it would be right to choose “travel.com” as the domain name. Sometimes, it happens that the domain name you want is currently in use by someone else. In this case you may use similar domain names like travelhotel.com, hoteltravel.com, travel-hotel.com.

A city name in the domain name

A short name of the city where the hotel is located can be added to the domain name. This helps to indicate the hotel location as well as domain extension. For example, travel-NYC.com.

Abbreviation in the domain name

In some cases, when the hotel name consists of several words, you may use the abbreviation in a domain name. Please note that long and complex abbreviations may be unuseful. For example, the abbreviation kpltwlm.com is too difficult to read and remember.

Check whether the domain is available

You may check whether the domain is available for registering using a Whois search tool.

Who the domain should be registered for

Some business owners and managers often assign a domain registration task to one of their team members. This person might register a domain for his/her name and become the domain owner. If this person resigns for some reason, the domain name will remain at his/her disposal. That's why it is important to think it over before registering a domain.

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