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How to add your own payment methods to the References

Last update: 27.10.2023

To make payments by methods that are not created by default in the TravelLine WebPMS, you can add your own payment methods.

To add payment methods to make payments in the TravelLine WebPMS, do the following:

1. Go to “Property management” > “Settings”.


2. Open the “References” tab.

3. Open the “Payment methods” reference.


There, you will find TravelLine default payment methods. They cannot be removed, disabled, or renamed.

4. Click on the “Add new element” to create your own payment methods.


5. In the lightbox opened, write in the payment method’s name and select the “Active” status. You can write a comment on the new payment method. Tick the “Set as default element in Payment method” and “Allow check-out of guests with non-zero balance” checkboxes.

As for the “Allow check-out of guests with non-zero balance” box, this option is available for any default payment method. If this box is not ticked, you cannot check out a guest that has a payment due.

Click on the “Apply” button.


6. Click on the “Save” button at the top of the page.


7. The payment methods that you created by hand are displayed when making a payment in TravelLine WebPMS.


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