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Report on Payments

Last update: 27.10.2023

This report contains all the payments reported in the WebPMS within a selected period.

What the report on payments can be used for

  • To see all the payments / refunds / chargebacks made within the selected period of time. For example, in the report, you can see all the payments and refunds performed by a night manager from 20:00 to 8:00.

  • To see all the payments made on a certain point of sale during the selected period of time. For example, this could be all the bookings made on the website this month.

  • To check if the cash in the till for a certain shift matches the amount of payments reported in the WebPMS.

  • To see payments in dollars, euros, and other currencies made within the selected period of time.

Steps to take to compose a report

  1. Select starting and closing dates and time.

  2. Set filters of payment methods, currencies, booking and payment statuses, and point of sale.

  3. If you need to see all the actions performed by a certain employee, select a user.

  4. Select “Apply filter”.


Then, there will be a list of invoices and payments for the selected period.

There are several columns in the table:

  • Invoice

  • Bill to (name of a payer)

  • Date of payment / refund

  • Payment method

  • Booking status

  • Booking source

  • Comment


If you want to display users that perform payments and refunds in the WebPMS, click on the “View” button on the right. In the lightbox, tick the “User” and click on “Save”.

Tick and untick options in the list to adjust the report to your liking.


When you click on the number of invoice in the table, there will open the tab “Invoices and payments” in the booking file.

Click on the “Export to XLSX” to download the report.

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