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What is deposit

Last update: 21.02.2025

Deposit is the amount of money which is conveyed from a guest to a hotel at the check-in time. The guest receives a receipt that confirms this operation. Deposit money can be used to pay for services or penalties during a guest's stay, while the unused amount can be refunded to the guest at the check-out time.

Let us see in more detail how to work with a deposit.

Making a deposit

To make a deposit, please open the reservation card and find “Billing” block. Click “Deposit” in a corresponding line.


Select the owner of deposit from the guests list, amount of deposit, add comment if necessary and click “Apply”.


You can find the deposit block on “Invoices and payments” tab.


It is possible to add only one deposit to each reservation. If you need to increase the deposit amount, click “Make deposit” and enter the additional amount.


How to print a deposit receipt

Click “Deposit receipt” button to issue a deposit receipt.


In the opened window you may print a receipt or export it to Word, if you need to make corrections.

How to make payment using deposit

It is possible to use a deposit in order to pay the invoice. To do that select “Deposit” as a payment method when confirming the payment.


How to take a penalty

It is also possible to use a deposit in order to pay a penalty if a guest has violated the rules and he is charged with a penalty. To do that click “Take penalty” button.

Enter the penalty amount, add a comment if necessary and click “Apply”.


You can find information about penalties in “Summary statistics”, “Financial Accounting” and “Manager’s report” reports.

How to refund a deposit

If a guest has not spent the whole deposit amount during his stay, the rest of the money can be refunded to him. Click “Refund deposit” button on “Invoices and payments” tab.


Enter the amount to be refunded, add a comment if necessary and click “Apply”.


How to return the amount to be refunded to a deposit.

It sometimes happens that guests make a prepayment amount for accommodation, but they check-out before the due time. In such cases it is necessary to refund the rest of the amount to the guest. Guests often order extra services during their stay and pay for these services at the check-out time.

To avoid making a refund you can return this amount to a deposit and then use this deposit amount to pay for extra services.


Please note: This logic is only applicable to using deposit as partial or total payment, not to be refunded to the guest. Otherwise there might be difficulties with accounting documents.

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